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BNP Supporters charged for violating Bangladesh’s draconian ICT Act

Staff Reporter
মার্চ ২, ২০১৭ ৩:১০ অপরাহ্ণ
BNP Supporters charged for violating Bangladesh’s draconian ICT Act

March 2, 2017: Sixteen individuals face prosecution, under the Awami League-led government’s repressive Information and Communication Technology Act 2016 (ICT), for allegedly making “derogatory comments” against Awami League government and seditious activities.

The initial case was filed on 26 February in Rajoin Police Station by Md. Monir Hawlader, later this case was presented to the Madaripur Magistrate Court on 27 February. The case number is 93/2017.

Accused in this case are: Kasem Sarder, Dilip Chandra Sarkar, Mohammad Hafizur Rahman, Toiyeb Ali, Nihar Ranjan Sarkar, Zafar Hawlader, Azgar Bepary, Yousuf Chokder, Sajib Khan, Rajib Khan, Dipak Majumder, Palash Kumar Das, Samir Kumar Shil, Kamal Das, and Sudeb Mandal.

Bangladesh government passed its repressive ICT law in 2006, in defiance of widespread national and international criticism. The measure is in line with its moves towards the autocratic rule, in response to rising working-class opposition and slowing economic growth.

Under section 57 of the ICT, police can arrest anyone accused of causing a “deterioration in law and order,” prejudicing the image of the state, or a person, or causing “any hurt to religious belief.” These offences are non-bailable and anyone found guilty could be jailed for up to 14 years.

The charges under this law have been kept deliberately vague so they can be used against any dissenting voices and made more punitive.

সর্বশেষ - বিনোদন

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